NONE of any medical section of this web
site is ADVICE (though it is believed by me, personally, to be true and
accurate...BUT, it {1] may be personally biased and [b] may not be up-to-date). While also making collected information available,
one of my main goals is to illustrate how complex some medical issues are. And, one should
usually infer that there are often a number of different correct decisions and/or treatments.
Decisions rest on MANY factors...not the least of which are EACH & every individual patient's own (1) personality
and (2) disposition factors. Competent and conscientious local doctors and other care-givers
(who have been involved with you or your family...or, at least, your type of people...over a
long term) are in the best position to know and appreciate the particulars of your personal
and family background and traits so as to satisfactorily work with you....especially on
answers to such issues as whether or not you need referral to a local or distant specialist.
Your own personal investigation can be helpful (as well as highly
Hospital based specialists...such as
anesthesiologists, emergency physicians, hospitalists, pathologists, radiologists, and
radiation oncologists...who have rapport and vested interests in a given community... offer
local advantages similar to the above. Pathologists who favor and promote the advantages of a
local specialist often believe in "point of care practice" as offering the broadest &
best array of advantages.
It can be a serious disadvantage if you are
covered under a health plan which restricts (directly and/or by hidden incentives) your
ability to obtain care from the doctor, lab, hospital, or other entity of your choice. Keep
in mind that distant major hospital and clinic referral centers may have a bias more toward
filling research quotas than toward your personal single-case interests. Yet, distant
specialists may well be the best option.
1997 and to the Present.
March 1998; latest adjustment 25 September 2016)