The Truth... What is it?

Another Special Life in Christ

These testimony lives are not stories of "role models". Jesus is the role model!
These are lives wonderfully touched & changed by Jesus!


Gianna Jessen:

Gianna's mother went for a saline-induced abortion at 7.5 months. When expelled from the womb in about 1977, she was alive and weighed 2 pounds. The abortion doctor was not present. So, the nurse called an ambulance; and Gianna survived in a neonatal unit. She was put up for adoption.

I saw her on the 9/15/08 Hannity & Colmes TV show. She considers her cerebral palsy a gift and does not hold bad feelings against anyone. There are clips of her various interviews on You Tube. She is unashamedly Christian! Gianna's activism site. Wikipedia write-up about her.

 For more information, use an on-line search engine for her name and secondary search word, testimony. 

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You have just read a very brief example of the powerful, supernatural transformation of a person's life which is possible through the acceptance of Jesus as your savior. Are you tired of life as it now is for you? He will accept you just as you are right this second! Consider accepting Jesus now [check it out]!

Stories: You may want to read many brief examples of the powerful, supernatural molding of a persons life (in spite of the family background) which is possible through the acceptance of Jesus as your savior. Are you tired of life as it now is for you? Consider accepting Jesus  now [check it out]! See other faith & health information [here]. More testimonies HERE.