The Truth... What is it?

Another Special Life in Christ

These testimony lives are not stories of "role models". Jesus is the role model!
These are lives wonderfully touched & changed by Jesus!


William "Buddy" Farris:

Buddy was pronounced dead in 21 November of 1979, yet nearly 20 years later, on November 12, 1998 he competed for the World Championships of the Law Enforcement Olympics. You can get a tape of his testimony through Gospel Sunrise Inc., Dayton, Va. (540-879-9430). My wife and I were loaned a tape by our now brother-in-law, Kenny Speer, and listened to it on 13 April 2002.  Buddy was born in about 1955 and is/was Chief of Police in Dayton, Va. from 1996-2004 (the present). This is his "Shadow of Death" story:

On Thanksgiving Eve, 1979, Buddy Farris, a Virginia state trooper, was pulling radar duty on Interstate 95 15 miles north of Richmond. To pass the time (and not really wanting to chase speeders) he read his Bible, this particular night stopping on Romans 8:28 as a car sped by at 82 mph at 10 p.m. Farris pursued the vehicle and pulled it over on the breakdown lane. As Farris walked up to the stopped car, a drunk driver hit him at 65 mph. The hood ornament of the car pierced through Farris' lower back, thrusting him into the back of the parked car. He flipped over the car and landed halfway on the interstate and the breakdown lane. Two trucks traveling one behind the other at more than 60 mph on the right lane of the interstate were approaching the site of the accident.

Noticing that there was something in the road, the first driver turned into the left-hand lane abruptly, leaving the second driver with no time to react to what was ahead of him. The second driver could not stop on time or turn suddenly without flipping the truck, so he threw his hands into the air almost as if out of submission to the circumstance. The wheel turned as if by its own capacity and straightened itself after passing Farris. Witnesses said there was no possible way that the truck could turn at the 45-degree angle that it did without flipping itself.

Ambulances arrived at the scene and paramedics tried in vein to revive Farris' battered body. Farris was pronounced dead at 10:23 p.m. He was taken to the morgue, and, as workers rolled him down the hall, Farris lifted the blanket off himself. After what was surely a good shock to the workers (one said, "You-you-you're supposed to be dead!!"), he was taken to the hospital.

Doctors treated Farris for various injuries, but he overheard them tell his wife that he would never walk again and that he would suffer brain damage. Almost as miraculously as he lived, neither occurred.

Farris is completely recovered. Further, in 1987, he competed in Florida for the Law Enforcement Olympics. His dream was to finish in the top three so that he might qualify for the World Championships. During the decathlon portion of the event, Farris was engaged in the rope climb. He lost his grip on the way down from the climb and fell to the ground, tearing two tendons in his foot. Farris finished the events in the decathlon for the day under severe pain and actually won first place, but doctors examined him and told him that he would not be able to walk for a month and would have to keep a cast on his leg. With the 100-, 200- and 400-meter races yet to come, Farris' dream was shattered.

Farris questioned the God he served so faithfully: "Why did this happen? Why did I work so hard to come up short?"

The next day as he was packing for his trip back to Virginia, Farris came across letters written by his four children that were wrapped around his son's Swiss Army Knife. The letters were filled with encouraging Bible verses that gave Farris all the motivation he needed to use the knife and cut off the cast.

Farris went to the track stadium and, using crutches to reach the starting line, announced that he was going to run. He said that he was thinking about how much Jesus Christ had suffered for his sake. The gun sounded and the race began. Farris' first step in the 100-meter race resulted in an excruciating pain that shot up through his nerves, but he completed the race and won third place. After that it was time for the 400-meter, and Farris had to get a bigger shoe for his swollen foot. He finished second in the race and finished second once again in the 200-meter race.

It was seemingly unexplainable. He won first place, yet barely had the energy to stand in front of the crowd of 35,000 people. While speaking to the crowd Farris explained that what he did he had done for God's glory and with His help, for surely, Farris said, he could not do it on his own strength. Something incredible had happened! Supernatural? Who's to say? However, another great thing did happen on that same day: eighty athletes hearing Farris' testimony prayed with him to become Christians.

Farris says God allows trials to come into people's lives so that He might be glorified and that others or oneself might grow closer to him. The night of his near-death experience in 1979, Farris chased the speeding car after he had just read Romans 8:28. It reads like this: "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Check another similar story of Don Piper in 1989 (there is much on the internet about him).


Unfortunately, elected officials can become caught up in controversy. And there is nothing like a miraculous testimony to cause sparks to fly with regard to those who publicly run for elective office. When I post a testimony, I am not making any effort to "champion" the hope is to champion the life-changing work of Jesus. In Sept. 2003 while at a professional meeting, I began to receive e-mails notifying me that Buddy's "testimony" was not true. Importantly, nobody has said that Buddy is not a true Christian. See below for further details, so far.  I'm not yet confident that I know what all is true and if anything, for sure, is false. I have since had a few e-mails from Buddy's supporters (most recently 12/7/08).

 It is nearly impossible to go back for more than 5 years and find activity-receipt records in any business system, and people's memories notoriously fade. The whole reason I'm doing the testimony-collection portion of this website is because Satan helps cloud & delete our memories of even the miracles affecting close family & friends. Satan has even caused me and my wife to embellish the details of divine interventions in our own if we had to "help" God with what He had done. If you are a real Christian, the Bible essentially promises that you will come under attack. I think that it is important that we be able to see such an example. So, see below:


e-mail #1: "As you may know Buddy Farris is running for Sheriff in Rockingham County [Virginia...Sept. 2003]. At the beginning of his campaign we supported him mostly because friends of ours had unpleasant experiences with his opponent. In the course of talking with acquaintances about the Sheriffs race we started hearing rumors about Buddy's testimony. We heard that there were several contradicting versions on the internet and that a local newspaper had done some stories about how the things Buddy said could not be verified. We checked the internet and sure enough there were several different testimonies. They all start the same; but some have him returning to life in the morgue, others in the ambulance. The other differences that I have picked up on are minor. According to a newspaper article written at the time of the accident, all people involved were treated and released. That does not go along with Buddy's story. In most of his testimonies he claims to have woken up at the morgue. He goes into a good bit of detail about the morgue and the things that he recognized there. Bob Holloway, the director at the morgue, says they have no record of Buddy ever being there. Mr.. Holloway also checked with the employees that were working at the time Buddy claims to have been there. No one has any memory of him or of anyone coming back to life. Sergeant Hill, Buddy's superior officer at the time of the accident, also knows nothing about Buddy being pronounce dead. Neither do any of the other State Troopers. It would seem to me that someone is making things up. Myron went to talk to Buddy about the problems with his testimony we were having. When asked why the morgue director had no record of him being at the morgue, Buddy told Myron that it was because he woke up in the ambulance. Myron said to him, "On the internet I heard you say that you came to in the morgue." Buddy replied, "Uh-huh". Myron says, "So you came to in the morgue?" Buddy says, "That's right."

It looks to us ____. Several years ago The Shenandoah Journal ran quite a few stories about all this, but it did not get much publicity. We have since discovered that ___ about winning "Toughest Cop". And the rumors about _____ are being verified. In one instance___. It seems that his conduct as a state trooper ___. His conduct also is rumored to have cost his superior the election in Smyth County. We know these things from speaking to fellow officers and others directly involved. You might say that this is part of his private life and should not matter. But he is really pushing family values in his campaign. The Daily News Record, the newspaper in Harrisonburg VA, is supposed to have an article about some of this this week. [see D N-R archives for 26 Sept. 2003]

We are Christians and were hesitant to doubt another man's testimony; but, if it's not true, it's not true. Can you spread the truth with a lie? If a man can't tell the truth in church, where can he tell the truth? Court?? As Christians, we cannot stand by and let this man continue to lie to people for his personal gain. Several times Myron has gone to him in the spirit of Mathew 18; and, each time, Buddy has continued to lie. We don't like his opponent, but at least he is not trying to cover up his lies and misdeeds with Christ. Ask Buddy about the discrepancies; and, instead of answering the questions, he quotes Bible verses and says that he is under attack from the devil because he is fighting for the Lord. We would welcome a phone call and will try to answer any question you might have for us."

e-mail #2:

"Dear Citizens of Rockingham County [a 23 Sept. 2003 letter],

     For some time now there has been talk of another letter coming from those of us who have been investigating various issues regarding the upcoming election for sheriff of Rockingham County.  Though we continue to have new information coming in almost daily, we felt that the following is quite enough for someone to digest and process in one reading.
     First of all I would like to clear up any dubious-type questions as to my being factual and credible.  In the first letter, I stated that Mr. Farris had handed me a copy of the publication, Guidepost.  In fact, the publication is Full Gospel M[?]; and it is the 1994 Global Report.  There you will find Mr. Farris' Shadow of Death story along with his second near death story.  Story number two is the one in which a criminal points a gun at Mr. Farris' head, Mr. Farris quotes Bible scripture to the criminal, and the criminal then shakes his hand and lets him arrest him.  Divine intervention AGAIN?  Secondly, last week I stated on the radio that I had received 100 phone calls all of which were positive as to our endeavors to seek the truth.  I did not mention the one negative call as this came from the person who earlier this spring had planned to announce his candidacy as one also seeking the position of our sheriff.  Another negative call came in last week from a Grottoes resident who had  written a letter to the editor of our local paper.  This person only wanted to give me her opinion of Sheriff Farley in a rather iniquitous manner; so, I terminated our conversation.
     I would next like to address the subject of my being judgmental where Mr. Farris is concerned.  From a Biblical standpoint, I ask that you do your own research and read the following scriptures: John 7:24, 1 Corinthians 5: 12-13, Matthew 7: 17-20, Isaiah 29: 13, Numbers 32: 23, and Matthew 18: 15-17.  I sought pastoral prayer and advice, and these scriptures were given to me by two different pastors/theologians.
     There have been some exceedingly dreadful things said in the vein of gossip about Mr. Farley and members of his family.  In tracing some of these rumors back to their original sources, it was found that these very unkind egregious comments came directly from Mr. Farris' supporters.  Mr. Farris stated to me during our somewhat contentious conversation in July [2003] that he forbade anyone in his camp to mudsling in a malicious way.  Hopefully, there is a diadem of truth in that statement.  There are also those in the Farris camp who are natural raconteurs with rumors regarding Sheriff Farley's handling of situations in his department.  Throughout this two- sided quest for truth we have consistently used The Freedom of Information Act.  Nowhere have we found any documented evidence to lend even a modicum of truth to these rumors and accusations.
     Our investigation into Mr. Farris' life, may be opined by some to be political mudslinging. Maybe because of the upcoming election one would have to give credence to that school of thought. My personal feelings, as previously stated, have more to do with the many contradictory truths and untruths.  In closely examining the candidates platforms, there is unquestionably room for dissection of the issues. Mr. Farris touting his faith is his alone on a personal level between only himself and God.  Sheriff Farley is also a Christian who prefers to walk the walk  rather than talk the talk.  Mr. Farris' brochure claims a strong sense of ethics and commitment to family values.  After the many, many recent conversations I have had  personally with those who have worked with and known Mr. Farris both here, in Smyth County, and the Richmond area, I have to question his definition of the words ethics and family values.  The word ethics, to my way of thinking, involves honesty and moral behavior.
RICHMOND AREA...THE SHADOW OF DEATH: In speaking to Sgt. William B. Hill (Mr. Farris' former supervisor with the state police in the Richmond area),  the infamous death and resurrection story did not happen in November 1979.  The Richmond morgue has no records.  Co-workers have no recollection of the story.  The Richmond Times reported an accident during that time stating Mr. Farris was treated and released. Do you honestly believe a hospital would release someone that would have to learn to walk again and might have brain damage the same night they were involved in this accident?  Do you honestly believe if Buddy Farris had TRULY been pronounced dead and the MIRACULOUSLY came back to life that surely SOMEONE would have remembered this event?  Only Sonny Dobbins in the testimonial Mr. Farris gives but as Sgt. Hill stated, 'How convenient'.  Sonny passed away years ago from cancer.
TOUGHEST COP ALIVE: According to Mr. Farris, after being injured in earlier events at the National law Enforcement Games in Daytona Beach Florida, August 1997, God took over his body; and he won The Toughest Cop Alive award and medal.  According to Norm at the law games headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida, Mr. Farris did not receive this award.  Norm would probably know, as he is the presenter of Toughest Cop.
SMYTH COUNTY: Our investigation here could be a book; so, I will attempt to summarize.  Conversations took place over the last few weeks between myself and former law enforcement co-workers of Mr. Farris as well as citizens of  Marion, Va.  Many of you have heard the Mary Parnell story and/or read the story in the Smyth County News....____[omitted].____   Trooper Farris was put on probation and resigned shortly thereafter.   Mr. Farris went to work as a deputy for Smyth County.  Sheriff Grubb promoted him to Chief deputy. ____[omitted]  Election time rolled around and Sheriff Grubb lost the election.  Folks down in Marion attribute his loss to his employee Mr. Farris...  Sheriff Bradley, the current sheriff in Smyth County, chose not to reinstate Mr. Farris.  Mr. Farris then reapplied to the state police.  A captain of the state police asked a deputy of Smyth County his opinion of Mr. Farris possibly coming back as a trooper. ____[omitted]  Perhaps the citizens of Dayton should contact the Smyth County sheriff's office and inquire as to the background check done on Mr. Farris.  This background check was done by ___[omitted]...[the report was glowingly...but allegedly inaccurately...positive].
MAY 6, 2001 FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH: It was Sunday evening and the last amen had been said following Sunday services.  This was Mr. Farris' church at the time.  From what I was told, there was an attempted coup that night to overthrow the good pastor; and there, in the midst of the renegades, was Buddy Farris.  When a shouting match ensued between the congregation and the trouble makers, the pastor asked that 911 be called.  When the officer arrived on the scene twelve minutes after the call came in, Mr. Farris had left the building along with his other five cohorts.  The call report filed was classified as an event verified..  It is obtainable through The Freedom of Information Act.  I have a copy.
September 16, 2003 WSVA SPEAKING OF POLITICS: Guest speaker for last Tuesday evening's show was Chief of Police of Dayton, Mr. Buddy Farris.  Those of us that listened felt this show was about as staged as Phantom of the Opera.  Did we not all recognize the voices of Mr. Farris' supporters?  I made no attempt to call, but I do have a few questions.  Mr. Farris stated that our current system at our sheriff's office is slow to respond to calls.  He told of a call that took 25 minutes to be answered by response.  Is that call documented?  No, we don't always get the bad guy.  At least not on the night of May 6, 2001 as the bad guy quickly fled before officers arrived.  Eleven years working on budgets????  Seven in Dayton is believable and factual.  Where were the other four?  With Sheriff Farley having eight as the EXPERIENCED sheriff, that kind of puts a damper on one of your unique differences.  What about education?   Mr. Farris you have one college degree, not four, and the one you have you have had for ONE YEAR.  What about the DEGREE OF LIFE EXPERIENCE in having had this job for eight years and having lived here your entire life knowing this county like the back of your hand?  And, WHERE did you get those pitiful figures regarding the R. U. S. H. Drug Task Force statistics?  I believe you said 52 cases had been handled in 2003.  Let me enlighten you Mr. Farris.  The Task Force, in their war on drugs in Rockingham County, has initiated 180 cases as of June 2003 which has led to the arrest of 131 individuals on 295 charges.  In speaking with Colonel Harper, chief of police in Harrisonburg, Colonel Harper expressed to me, 'I think these guys are doing a great job especially considering the number of investigators and the number of cases and drugs.  These numbers far exceed the national average.'  In regards to the other issues, I will anxiously await the debates.  Finally, may I ask you Mr. Farris, with your steadfast insistence that you are telling the truth about your Shadow of Death story, why does the website say that in Elkin, N.C. nearly two weeks ago you gave a SLIGHTLY MODIFIED VERSION of your legendary testimony?  And why did you skip out on your interviews with the local newspapers and your debate with Sheriff Farley before the Bar Association?  And how do you expect to save the citizens of this county money as sheriff when, according to the citizens of Dayton, you rarely work?  Did you not just work only one day out of a recent fourteen this month and hasn't this been a consistent pattern for some time?  At least that is what I have been told by those who keep documented records in their homes of your working hours.  And, Mr. Farris when you were discussing drinking and driving on the radio last Tuesday evening and you used the words ___[omitted]?  I pray it was coincidence.
In closing, thank you to the many people in this county who have supported our endeavor with their prayers and words of kindness.  A copy of this letter may be obtained by calling ___-6050.  Please, if you make copies [of this letter] and send them to others, have the courage to either sign your name or put your return address on the envelope.  Letters that have previously been sent by me as well as copies of this letter will have my return address.  Again, thank you for listening to the truth.
#3 9 April 2004 e-mail:

"Dr Shaw,

I pulled up the testimony of Buddy Farris the other day and was sickened to read the vicious attack on Buddy.  I was wondering if you could help us out by removing it from your site.  I know you are not responsible for the cruel things that were said but it appears to be on your site.

Buddy is the Chief of Police in Dayton, VA and a personal friend of mine.  I have worked in law enforcement all of my life and presently work for Frederick County Sheriff's Department in Winchester, VA.  Buddy's testimony has made a tremendous impact on my department.

Last year Buddy decided to run for Sheriff and that's when he came under attack.  The e-mails that someone attached to his testimony are very vicious and very upsetting to Buddy, his wife Donna, and his four children.  Buddy is a wonderful person who loves the Lord with all of his heart.  He too has worked his whole life in law enforcement and is so undeserving of the lies that have been posted at the end of his testimony.  Can you please help us out and remove them from your web site.  If you would like to speak with me I can be reached at my home in the evenings and on weekends ____.  I appreciate your consideration in this matter and if it cost anything to have this removed, I would be willing to foot the bill.

#4 A 13 April 2004 e-mail: "I believe Buddy's testimony and have handed out over 2000 of his tapes.
  He has made such an impact on this department.  Last year he ran for
Sheriff and as you probably know people can be very vicious in politics.
  Buddy was constantly called a liar, mainly by one woman who says her
dead daughter calls her on the phone.  She is the one who wrote the
e-mails that are tacked onto his testimony on your website.  She also
distributed flyers during the campaign with the same thing on them.  He
lost the election and is currently Chief of Police in Dayton.  His wife
is a school teacher and he has 4 children.  His son Nathan is training
at Quantico to be sent to Iraq.  His youngest daughter is a senior in
High School.  I personally don't think anyone deserves the hurt that
this family is going though on a daily basis.  I was horrified to see
these lies for all the world to see because I do know Buddy and his
family and they are very good caring Christian people.  Please let me
know if you have any questions and I will be happy to try and answer them.

Thank you for your time."

[Note: Buddy Farris lost the election for chief in the fall of 2003. "Please feel free to list my personal e-mail address on the web site for folks who want to order a Buddy Farris tape. My personal address is We are not allowed to use it while at work and we're not allowed to use our county address anymore for personal e-mails. Please ask them to put "Buddy Farris" in the subject line as I get a lot of junk e-mails that I automatically delete. Thank you. Evelyn Partlow, Frederick County, VA, (10 May 2004 e-mail to me)]

***give me your comments about this page***

 (posted March 2002; latest addition 15 December  2008)


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