The Truth... What is it?

Another Special Life in Christ

These testimony lives are not stories of "role models". Jesus is the role model!
These are lives wonderfully touched & changed by Jesus!

They mixed black and white bone marrow (1998) in the Deep South:

"Frank, the odds are against you," said his oncologist. The 43 year old black male was in deep trouble. Relatively few blacks are registered in bone marrow donor registries; and black patients need black donors, his oncologist told him.

Diagnosed and being treated for leukemia in 1998, he had been waiting for a donor match. Odds worsened when the marrow from his only brother did not match. But, the 37 year old Rev. Donald Kuntz had been on the registry since the late 1980s. His marrow was the closest match; and the Creston, Ohio pastor donated it in Dec. 1998.

Executive director of a health and human services agency in South Carolina, Frank Wise got a new lease on life as the donated marrow took hold in his bones. As Pastor Kuntz got up from the donor table, he requested that a note containing a verse from the prophet Isaiah be delivered to the recipient, "Those who shall wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Rev. Kuntz received a photo of Frank about a year later. In early Feb. 2001, Frank got a surprise that left him at a loss for words. For over two years, Frank had presumed that the marrow donor whose donation helped cure his leukemia was also a black man.

On hearing the news from a reporter that the donor was a white pastor, the Seneca, S. C. resident said, "This has come as a total, total surprise! Oh, this totally heightens it. It just shows that the Lord is in control. We are all one!"

If Wise sees the hand of God in this, so does Kuntz. He recalled that he later found out that Rosemary Wise, Frank's wife, had been working on a cross-stitch of that same verse from Isaiah. And the doctor who harvested the bone marrow from Rev. Kuntz? His name was Dr. Lazarus! (The State [S. C. newspaper], front page, 20 Feb. 2001). HERE is some more white-black stuff. See other faith & health information [here].

E-mail, 12/4/2018: "I searched on Frank’s name just to see where he landed in life. Just read the story about Frank Wise’s bone marrow transplant. WOW! I went to Eau Claire High School and Clemson University with Frank." "..." "Anyway, the bone marrow match between the races does indeed uphold the Bible that we are all one and all equal. Share this with Frank if you have present contact information. Tell him my golfing buddies that he will know from High School still get together every summer for a few days (Billy Barbee, Freddie Moore, Bobby Barbee, James Ballew, Steve Stone). Thanks, Richard Bissett"

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(posted 3 March 2002; last updated 4 Decemeber 2018)


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