The Truth... What is it?

Another Special Life in Christ

These testimony lives are not stories of "role models". Jesus is the role model!
These are lives wonderfully touched & changed by Jesus!

Ex Brooklyn Puerto Rican Drug Dealer...

John Padro:

He grew up fighting in the streets of Bushwick, Brooklyn and loved to fight. He got into drug dealing, fast women, and super-expensive cars. He was fueled by hate and turned the hate big-time onto all those he thought were enemies. He  was living the super-fast life to Hell when God changed his direction in an instant!

If this in any way catches your attention, read his book about his divine redemption, Fast Life to Hell (do a Google or other web search and get a copy!).

Out of the blue, I had an e-mail come to me from John Padro on Thanksgiving day, 24 Nov. 2011 after reading the testimony on my web site about Israel Narvaez HERE.

***give me your comments about this page***

(posted 24 November 2011)


You have just read a very brief example of the powerful, supernatural transformation of a person's life which is possible through the acceptance of Jesus as your savior. Are you tired of life as it now is for you? He will accept you just as you are right this second! Consider accepting Jesus now [check it out]!